Every now and then you come across an article or a book that leaves you saying “must read.” Here are three articles providing valuable insight into hot topics on the minds of many strategic thinkers.
Financial Fragility: What Happened
Economic stimulus packages approaching $1 trillion, record number of layoffs, rising credit card debt, shrinking 401k plans, and a housing market in shambles. Where did it all start? What role did Wall Street and the mega-banks play?
In an article entitled The End, Michael Lewis (Moneyball, Liar’s Poker) provides a fascinating account (albeit salty) of what went wrong on Wall Street over the last few years – http://www.portfolio.com/news-markets/national-news/portfolio/2008/11/11/The-End-of-Wall-Streets-Boom/
Healthcare Now: Build or Buy
From consumers and medical professionals, to Washington policymakers and corporate business leaders, the push to enact comprehensive healthcare reform is well underway. The big, bold objective people are rallying around – a healthcare system that works, for everyone. Do you start from scratch? What’s the balance between cost and access?
Getting There From Here takes lessons learned from the origins of the British health service and Massachusetts reform to explore next steps for reengineering the U.S. healthcare system – http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/01/26/090126fa_fact_gawande?currentPage=all
Radical Revolution: Shaping New Markets
Delivering simple, behavior-modifying innovation to customers who are often overlooked takes leadership. Success depends on both driving change and mobilizing support – inside an organization and out. Effective “change activists” can establish new markets, and influence the way consumers think about and adapt innovation. What does it take to facilitate real change? How do you sell is innovation?
In his article, Market Rebels and Radical Innovation, acclaimed behavioralist Hayagreeva Rao provides practical examples of the role activists play in launching new (or recharged) products and services – Market Rebels and Radical Innovation.
These articles point to a common theme – change. It will cut across all sectors, as backlash past decisions as well as the driving need to improve core business practices and product/service offerings. By tracking market trends and taking a strategic approach to managing change, you may be able to stay ahead in what promises to be a challenging few months to come.