As 2011 kicks-off we’re seeing frenetic activity around product positioning, operational reengineering, and customer-centric marketing. With Health Care Reform still grabbing national headlines, most companies are focused on making sure they don’t get caught short as new rules of engagement continue to reshape the healthcare landscape—payer, provider, pharma, and other private sector healthcare stakeholders.
Following are a few resources as everyone tries to keep up with the winds of change.
Health Reform
I found two articles recently that provide useful insight into issues shaping the future of health reform. They also suggest options for achieving incremental improvement through bipartisan compromise…should that be possible given the bitter divide we witness on a daily basis. The first is from my long-time friend Bob Laszewski, President of Health Policy and Strategy Associates. The second article was in the January 9th Businessweek entitled “The Health Care Act On Trial”.
Laszewski article, CLICK HERE.
Businessweek article, CLICK HERE.
Trends To Watch
In a posting a few months ago I focused on ten trends worthy of keeping on your radar screen over the next 12-24 months. It dealt with issues such as chronic care management, burgeoning boomer market, and value-based solution selling. This month it was published as an article entitled “Beyond Health Reform”. It expands on these and other trends to explore their affect on the business of healthcare going forward. Two basic ideas guide the article: “big thinking precedes big achievement” and “out of ashes will rise the phoenix”.
To download a PDF of this article, CLICK HERE.
Healthy Wellness
One trend likely to remain front and center in 2011 is health improvement. While “Wellness 1.0” caught the attention of many employers over the last few years, results have been disappointing in terms of employee uptake and ROI. As next generation wellness initiatives are deployed, we are seeing a much greater focus on those programs with an ability to spark consumer engagement, demonstrate measurable ROI, and achieve a more effective blend between extrinsic and intrinsic reward systems.
This Harvard Business Review article explores critical success factors of tomorrow’s wellness programs. For the PDF, CLICK HERE.
Marketing 2011
Caught between an image of the popular TV show Mad Men and digitalogy of endless pop-up and banner ads, marketing and advertising has changed forever. Marketing’s traditional 4 Ps (product, price, place, promotion) have morphed into the 3 Ds – data, direct and digital. In a world driven by social media engagement and tactics such as predictive or associative online content which links prior purchase and browsing patterns with a customer’s most likely preferences for future transactions…it’s not your daddy’s marketing anymore.
This article looks at the “state-of-the-state” of the advertising industry and marketing’s next big move. CLICK HERE.
Thank You!
Lastly, I want to thank readers and followers of my blog. This month Health Nation published an article "Top 50 Healthcare Industry Blogs", where Resnick Unplugged is listed at #15. When I set out a few years ago my objective was to communicate practical, actionable information on health care, strategy and marketing. This approach continues to guide my posts, especially at a time where a rapid pace of change combined with endless streams of information makes tracking, anticipating and staying ahead a huge undertaking.
To see all 50 health care blogs highlighted in the Health Nation article, CLICK HERE.