“We are all pilgrims on the same journey…but some pilgrims have better road maps.”
Consumer engagement tops this list of current trends. With 90 million Americans expected to be using a tablet and mobile devices already changing personal interaction, the pace of change is mindboggling.
On the healthcare front, we’re working toward $4.6 trillion spending in the U.S. and at the same time (2020) there will be 43 million Americans over age-65 and 15 million over 85. Employees overwhelmingly rate their benefits as a top priority (willing to pay more to protect what they have), yet at the same time, most consumers say health insurance so complicated don’t know what’s covered or what healthcare will cost them.
These are big trends to keep up with, a year from now you may wish you had started today or put another way…procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.
Gen-C the “connected customer” has arrived; engagement & conversations drive their decisions and loyalty- the data speaks volumes - http://goo.gl/IxC5q [Get the new Forrester Consumer Engagement report here: http://goo.gl/UGxoR]
The World Wide Web’s future, by 2016 expect 10 billion mobile devices in use globally-convergence of monetization & access - http://goo.gl/5ntFv
Across generations devices & online personas are redefining human relationships & communication: a powerful Ted Talks - http://goo.gl/oy1LE; also, 15 ways mobile will change our lives - http://goo.gl/y1FuC
Break down silos (it’s worse than you think) to get 360° view of customer to lift your marketing and enhance your brand experience - http://goo.gl/71lfW
With 90 million Americans expected to use a tablet by 2014, moving your marketing from offline to online will be the key to success - http://goo.gl/6hmNj
If we can’t laugh at ourselves…enlightened marketers unite - http://bit.ly/s2w6v
Healthcare in America means just follow the money…$4.6 trillion of it - http://n.pr/FRGz41
Customer journey from awareness to shopping to sales to UX…for healthcare it’s all about consumer engagement - http://bit.ly/HKG791
Expert insight into the most complex and persistent healthcare issues we’re facing: TEDMED’s Great Challenges Program - http://goo.gl/jzkd0
What if your hotel bill was like a hospital bill? Food for thought - http://goo.gl/vSl76
Employee benefits still hold the top spot…70% workers would pay more to protect benefit level and they’re saying wellness programs are on the rise: http://goo.gl/NQRzy
Health Benefit Exchanges (HIX) a state-by-state point & click status map: who got money, how much, and what’s their plan - http://goo.gl/jyf93; also, here’s a mega-health insurer’s view - http://goo.gl/r80kf