“…you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone, for the times they are a-changin’…the first one now will later be last, for the times they are a-changin’…” - Bob Dylan
The Supremes have spoken on health reform, the 2012 election is in full swing (or is that mud sling), Olympic medals have been awarded, over half America is “multi-screening”, and the sprint toward 4Q is just ahead.
Some pundits are saying “Marketing Is Dead” (http://goo.gl/kDpfi)...don’t believe it! It’s alive, well and consumers are more engaged than ever. Is it changing, absolutely. But that’s where the fun begins. Consumers are in control, they’re shopping, comparing, reviewing and in the end, they are determining your value. Listen to them, engage with them and most importantly, join their conversation. The articles below can help you stay ahead of the marketing curve.
The new healthcare reality is that a high-touch, branded consumer experience has never been more important as the center of power shifts into the hands of the customer. The retailization of healthcare means consumers are budgeting for their health benefits, navigating care delivery, and recommending preferred insurers and providers. It’s time to anticipate and prepare for this new customer journey. The healthcare articles below are thought-starters as forward thinking marketers make sure existing and prospective customers are better educated and more engaged in their health.
From retail to etail from direct marketing to personal marketing...”know thy customer “still carries the day- http://goo.gl/FRHT1
Gamification, digital design playing on people’s competitive instincts, is rapidly gaining acceptance a go-to consumer engagement strategy- http://goo.gl/vX5lk. Check-out how corporate America is getting their workers healthy: http://goo.gl/3fBDj
Multi-screening has arrived as more than half of consumer’s watching TV are on their smartphone keeping busy, fact checking, or responding- http://goo.gl/R2sOU. It’s no surprise who’s leading the pack: http://goo.gl/29J2K
Big data’s “ying & yang”…personalization v privacy, efficiency v capacity…experts weigh winners and losers- http://goo.gl/hkO9Y. And just how “big” is it: http://goo.gl/ej1LQ
Customer experience (aka UX) has huge payoff, but getting caught playing catch-up will cost your business dearly in an age of product commodization- http://goo.gl/SGliY
Digital marketing’s $40 billion spend means optimization throughout the sales process is a must, from looker to shopper to purchaser to loyalty- http://goo.gl/W9tsp. Socialnomics puts marketer’s future in perspective: http://goo.gl/6oZte
Healthcare marketers are running full-speed-ahead following June’s SCOTUS decision- http://goo.gl/1D72y. And how’s the consumer navigating: http://goo.gl/c2cgB
Accountable care Organizations are hot, but the jury’s still out on how impactful they will be in improving care & lowering cost- http://goo.gl/8I2ds. Here’s who’s in the game: http://goo.gl/wmCSu
Caregivers are in demand and connected online in a big way; with 3+ million #boomers turning 65 every year this is a growth market for the foreseeable future- http://goo.gl/m0o1G
Post-election health reform “bracketology” looks at 3 possible scenarios around ACA implementation-http://goo.gl/GVD1f. Plus, Obamacare vs. Romneycare…let’s move on- http://goo.gl/5keM1
Mobile healthcare “mHealth” has high expectations for transformative delivery potential, but faces tough adoption resistance- http://goo.gl/ZKdBm
Healthcare costs, end-of-life care, “death panel” scare tactics, Medicare spending and consumer driven vs. consumer directed create a tangled web of challenges- http://goo.gl/dXIjF